STIC Research and Publishing Seed Grant
The US-ASEAN Science, Technology, and Innovation Cooperation (STIC) Program will make available $50,000 to help kickstart up to four research and publishing projects while at the same time building grantsmanship capacity among its learners. The STIC Research and Publishing Seed Grant competition exposes participants to a formal grant application process and presentation of an idea in a poster session at the annual conference. If awarded, the program will also help develop skills to manage sponsored funds to conduct a research project and report results.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Funds are exclusively available to participants who demonstrate they have completed the S&T Track in the ASEAN Online Education Platform for Industry 4.0.
- Research proposals can be individual projects or team projects, but one team member must be identified as the principal investigator.
- The research project must identify a real-world problem related to one of the nine S&T technical academies and seek to provide applicable and practical solutions.
- The proposal must include a detailed budget indicating how the team will spend the funds to meet project goals and objectives.
- The team must identify a list of potential funding sources/grants and clearly describe how this seed grant will position to project to seek additional funds.
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STIC Research and Publishing Grant Selection Process for 2025: