Science and Technology (S&T) Track
The Science and Technology (S&T) Track offers you the flexibility to choose courses for skills that best meet your needs. We have partnered with Coursera to curate nine technical academies offered by top universities in the United States that specifically align with the priority areas identified by APASTI 2016-2025.
Each academy consists of three to five concentrations you can choose from to offer you a comprehensive and tailored learning experience.
With the flexibility to choose courses and skills that meet your unique needs and interests, you will be equipped with the knowledge and experience to excel in your field. Join us today and take the first step toward achieving your goals.
Technical Academies
Space Technology
Explore the fascinating world of space technology and learn about the latest developments in astronomy, spacecraft motion, and the politics of space.
Biological Sciences
Dive into the world of biotechnology and explore the latest advancements in genetic engineering, Algae Biotechnology, and biomanufacturing. With this track, you can gain the knowledge and skills to pursue a career in this rapidly evolving field.
Cloud, Machine Learning & Security
Hands-on experience with leading technologies like AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure and more. From practical decision-making using No-code ML to technical support essentials, learners gain proficiency in diverse areas essential for today’s tech landscape.
Earth Sciences
This academy provides a diverse curriculum, from marine biology to sustainable development and climate change management, to address pressing global challenges.
Information Technologies
Master the skills needed in the fast-paced world of information technology. Learn about programming with a purpose, database management, cybersecurity, and more.
Semiconductor Technologies
This academy provides comprehensive courses in semiconductor packaging, characterization, and power electronics. Learners gain expertise in designing and manufacturing semiconductor devices crucial for modern electronics, from introductory to advanced levels.
Material Sciences
Learn about the science behind the materials we use every day with this track on material science and technology. Explore topics in nanotechnology, biomaterials, and materials engineering, and gain the knowledge and skills needed to practice material science.
Energy Sustainability
This academy offers a concise curriculum on renewable energy, solar energy systems, and global energy business. Covering topics from solar basics to entrepreneurship in renewables, students gain essential skills for the sustainable energy sector.
Agricultural Science
This academy offers a diverse curriculum on agroforestry, sustainable land management, and livestock health. Covering topics from soil management to global food supply chains, learners gain insights into sustainable food production practices and challenges in the agricultural sector.
STIC Research and Publishing Seed Grant
Annually, the US-ASEAN Science, Technology, and Innovation Cooperation (STIC) Program will make available $50,000 USD to help kickstart up to four research and publishing projects while at the same time building grantsmanship capacity among its learners. The STIC Research and Publishing Seed Grant competition exposes participants to a formal grant application process and presentation of an idea in a poster session at the annual conference. If awarded, the program will also help develop skills to manage sponsored funds to conduct a research project and report results. Proposals must be linked to one of the nine technical academies from the Science and Technology (S&T) Track from the ASEAN Online Education Platform for Industry 4.0, formerly known as the STIC Talent Mobility Portal. Although basic research projects will be considered, the program seeks applied research concepts that show a real-world application or those that produce data that could be used to influence policy formulation in the ASEAN member states.